If you are new to Midlands Christian Church, we welcome you!
We are so glad that you are interested in learning more about us. We are a church that is committed to worshiping Christ and
living out His teachings daily. We want to help you
grow in Christ and see Him work through
you to serve the community around you.

Perhaps there are people or objects in your life which you have seen many times, and yet you would have a hard time describing them. Maybe you haven’t paid attention. Are his eyes blue or green? I don’t know. Does he wear glasses? I don’t remember. Or, perhaps, you’ve begun to take the person or object for granted. It’s easy to lose interest.
What about Jesus? I’ve known Jesus a long time. I was baptized into him when I was 9 years old. In July that will be 55 years. There are details about Jesus I know, but maybe they’ve faded in my memory. Or, perhaps I’ve taken these details for granted. What about you? We don’t ever want to take Jesus for granted.
In our new series, we want to take a closer look at Jesus in these weeks leading up to and including Easter. My jumping off place is a book by an author named Rebecca McLauglin. She’s British, a former rocket scientist, not kidding, and an insightful apologist. She’s entitled
the book, Confronting Jesus: 9 Encounters with the Hero of the Gospels. I’m calling our series, Investigating Jesus. We want to take a closer look at Jesus. We want to investigate him, get to know him as well as we can. We don’t want to take him for granted! Please join us on Sundays as we Investigate Jesus.
Our worship services for February 23.
For other services, please see the media page.

MCC has Online Giving. Please go to the Online Giving tab above.

MCC is worshipping in-person and also streaming our Worship Services
on Facebook Live. The services will also be posted on
our website soon after their completion.
When you choose to worship in-person on campus, please note the following safety precautions:
- Hand sanitation stations are posted at the entrances.
- No communion or offering trays will be passed (pre-packed communion kits are at each chair; an offering box is on the back wall).

We ask that if you have had any of the symptoms of Covid or the flu within the last week, please continue to worship with us online to protect our MCC family, especially those who are more likely to get very sick from Covid-19 or the flu.
Weekly Meeting Times:
Sunday School @ 9:30 AM
Worship @ 10:30 AM
The Connection @ 7 PM
Find us at:
1312 W. Main Street
Lexington, SC 29072
Phone: 803-808-1122
Email: mcclexington@gmail.com
Join us live on Facebook at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays.
Please also view this website’s Media page for videos of recent services.

Follow us on Instagram @ mcclexington